Chin Implant in Downers Grove, IL

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Chin augmentation, also known as mentoplasty, enhances the lower jaw by surgically adding a flexible silicone implant. Chicago area patients who feel their chin is too small or they think their chin doesn’t fit with the natural angles of their face and neck many consider chin augmentation by plastic surgeon Dr. Paresi of Dr. Robert J Paresi, Jr. MD in Chicago. By inserting biocompatible chin implants, patients can have a more prominent, stronger jaw line and the implant's size and width will be chosen to give the patient their ideal chin appearance. During the initial consultation at their Downers Grove, IL office, Dr. Paresi will explain the various chin surgery techniques and implant options based on the patient's desired look.

Surgical Technique

A common technique for this procedure uses a silicone implant that is moved through an incision made under the chin. The implant is then placed directly over the bone along the lower jaw. A pocket might be constructed to hold it, which may involve shaving the jawbone to help fit the implant in place. Surgical sutures will be used to attach the implant to the chin bone. In some cases, the incision will be made on the inside of the mouth. Immediately after surgery, medical tape or a compression dressing will be applied to help protect the implant while the jaw recovers.

I'm very pleased with the procedure I had at Insidelook MD. Dr. Paresi is a skilled surgeon who spent time with me explaining the risks and benefits of chin augmentation. His competent staff were professional and friendly. The operation went smoothly, and I am happy with the results. One big plus is that Dr. Paresi gave me an honest assessment during our consultation. This was refreshing, and spoke to his integrity as a doctor. I would recommend him to anyone considering cosmetic surgery.

T. Healthgrades


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During/After Surgery

Chin augmentation is an outpatient procedure that is performed under general anesthesia at an accredited surgical facility. The entire surgery typically takes about an hour to complete, but it could take longer depending on the technique used. Recovery from this surgery usually takes about 4-6 weeks. During this time, the swelling, discomfort and numbness that occurs in the chin and lower lip will gradually improve. Most patients are pleased with their results and feel that they have a stronger, more defined profile because of the surgery.  

Expected Cost

The exact and final cost of a chin augmentation will vary depending on the extent of the surgery.

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What About a Double Chin?

Chin implants are designed to offer patients a sharper, stronger look to their jaw line. Those who have a “double chin” may be better candidates for a liposuction procedure where the fat within the chin and neck is removed. Sometimes this technique alone can create a new profile and look without needing to have an implant procedure.

Will Sensation Return?

It will be very normal to feel numbness and a change in skin sensation following chin augmentation surgery. As the implant gets used to its new habitat, nearby tissue and jaw line structures will also get used to having it there. Several weeks after surgery, this heightened sensation will begin to subside and, over time, normal sensitivity will gradually reappear. It may take up to a full year for patients to regain full sensitivity. 

Visible Scars?

Scarring is very minimal with chin augmentation surgery because the incision is placed either on the inside of the mouth, where it is completely hidden, or it is made under the chin. Even the incision done under the chin will be mostly concealed or hard to see during social situations. 

What About Genioplasty?

In addition to chin augmentation with implants, some individuals may be suitable candidates for genioplasty. This is a procedure that reshapes the chin by surgically repositioning the chin bone. This procedure is more complex than implants alone and is sometimes considered a reconstructive surgery. In some cases, genioplasty will be done in combination with neck liposuction and chin implants. 

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.