Creating a more defined waist with awake liposuction
Female patients often seek plastic surgery consultation because they want to have a more defined waist. In many cases, this is achievable with liposuction of certain anatomical areas. The waist is defined anatomically as the area of the body between the lower ribs and the upper pelvic bone. This narrowing of the trunk gives patients the feminine hourglass figure they are seeking. For many patients, the accumulation of fat in this area leads to a loss of the narrowing of the waist and a squarer, more masculine appearance of their trunk. Awake liposuction using tumescent anesthesia is an excellent treatment option to regain a more defined waist. This usually involves treatment of the waist as well as the back bra rolls, defined as the area of the back above the waist over the lower ribs. With the patient awake, we are able to change the patient’s position with their assistance to target the appropriate areas to better define the waist. Awake liposuction involves the use of an oral sedative and narcotic and injection of a numbing solution to the treatment areas.

