We take insurance for facial fractures. Call today for a consultation to treat your facial fractures.
Treatment of facial fracture in 23 year-old Chicago male in Downers Grove, IL*
- Age18 - 29
- GenderMale
- EthnicityHispanic
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- Facial Fracture Treatment
- Left Zygomatico-Maxillary Comp
- Open Reduction Internal Fixati
- Facial Fracture
- Cheek Fracture
- General Anesthesia
- Synthes Plates
- Left Periorbital Swelling
- Left Orbital Dystopia
- Left Transconjunctival Incisio
- Upper Blepharoplasty Incision
- Left Orbital Floor Split Calva
- Enopthalmos
- Double Vision
- Facial Trauma
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This is a 23 year-old male who was struck by a softball in the left eye sustaining a left zygomatico-maxillary complex (ZMC) fracture. The patient complained of some double vision. The patient was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove, IL and treated with an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of the facial fractures (left cheek bone). An alloplastic implant was placed to correct an orbital floor blowout fracture. The patient developed a postoperative traumatic enopthalmos about 4 weeks after the surgery with recurrent double vision. A postoperative CT scan revealed displacement of the orbital floor plate and herniated orbital contents into the left maxillary sinus. The patient was brought back to the operating room for a left orbital floor split calvarial bone graft to correct the defect and correct the enopthalmos. He had an uneventful postoperative course with complete resolution of his symptoms.