Lower eyelid blepharoplasties in patient in Downers Grove, IL to correct bags.*

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A Male patient, who underwent an Eyelid Procedure in November 2023 in Downers Grove, IL, by Dr. Robert J. Paresi Jr., reported a successful outcome. The patient had bilateral lower eyelid surgeries (blepharoplasties) to address the bags of the lower eyelids. The procedure was done under local anesthesia at our AAAASF-accredited surgical facility in Downers Grove, IL. The patient had bilateral lower blepharoplasties via transconjunctival fat removal and skin flaps via subciliary incisions. Microfat and nanofat was injected to improve the overall result. The patient expressed satisfaction with the results, noting improved eyelid appearance and vision clarity. The procedure, performed in an outpatient setting, was well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. The patient commended Dr. Paresi Jr. for his expertise and the supportive staff for their exceptional care, creating a positive healthcare experience for the patient.

Lower Eyelid Surgery


6 months postop

Lower Eyelid Surgery


6 months postop

Lower Eyelid Surgery


6 months postop

Call Dr Paresi at 630-426-6019

Do you have lower eyelid bags?  Call Dr Paresi today for a consultation to discuss your options.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.