Mininally Invasive Gynecomastia Excision in Downers Grove, IL*

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Patient is a 19 year-old male who presented to the office with complaints of male breast tissue since her was in his early teens. He did not like the feminine appearance of his chest and the round feminine areola shape. We recommended bilateral minimally invasive gynecomastia excision under local anesthesia. We used tumescent anesthesia injecting a local anesthetic solution into the chest. We used only a single 5 mm incision on the lateral aspect of the chest. He had significant amount of breast tissue removed from each side of the chest. He did very well with the procedure and returned to full activity at 4 weeks after the procedure.

Excision of Gynecomastia


4 weeks after

Excision of Gynecomastia


4 weeks after

Excision of Gynecomastia


4 weeks after

Call InsideLookMD 331-777-9955

Are you uncomfortable about your man boobs? Does your chest have a feminine appearance despite your efforts with diet and exercise? You may suffer from gynecomastia, or male breast tissue. This can be corrected under local anesthesia with a minimally invasive approach. Call Dr. Robert J Paresi, Jr. MD at 331-777-9955 for a free consultation today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.