33 year-old Chicago mom who had Mommy Makeover in Downers Grove, IL*

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This is a 33 year-old female who presented to the office after breastfeeding two children and decreasing in breast size from a B cup to an A cup. She also had a loss of her figure with fat deposition in the abdominal and waist areas which she was unable to lose with diet and exercise. She did implant sizing in the office and we recommended bilateral Allergan Inspira SRF 375 ccs full profile cohesive gel silicone breast implants. We decided on the placing the implant in the partial submuscular position via an inframammary incision. Her trunk skin was in good condition with no stretch marks and minimal skin excess so she was a good candidate for laser liposuction of the abdomen, waist and back bra rolls. The patient had her procedure at our JCAHO-accredited facility in Downers Grove, IL. We used a Keller funnel for placement of the silicone breast implant via an inframammary incision. Exparel was injected around each breast pocket at the beginning of the procedure to improve postoperative pain control and decrease the need for postoperative narcotics. The abdomen, waist and back bra rolls were treated with the Smartlipo laser followed by the Microaire power-assisted liposuction (PAL) machine. The patient had good postoperative pain control with the use of the Exparel and had completely recovered at 6 weeks after the surgery. She had full breasts and a flat tummy. She was very happy with the results.

Mom Makeover in Downers Grove


6 weeks postop

Mom Makeover in Downers Grove


6 weeks postop

Mom Makeover in Downers Grove


6 weeks postop

Mom Makeover in Downers Grove



Call Dr Paresi at 630-426-6019

Do you need a mommy makeover?  Are you trying to attain you shape you had before pregnancy?  Call Dr Paresi for a free consultation today at 630-426-6019.  

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.